2 nights in Regina – and lots of writing

I\’ve got 2 shows left in Regina before fleeing back to Toronto. Fri Aug 17 & Fri the 24th both at the Black Pepper piano bar on the East End (formerly Poverinos) come check it out – it\’s turning into quite the nifty music joint. Also, I\’ve been writing like a demon for my upcoming recording that I\’ll be doing in Nov – more news to come on that exciting endeavour. But the songs are coming \’fast and furious\’ so I\’ve been locking myself away and channelling them into my laptop.
In the meantime on the other side of the country, Derrick Paul Miller is touring his new CD (Page One) across the maritimes which has 2 of my original songs on it. Thanks Derrick!
Also check out my myspace to hear a few tunes:Jeff\’s Myspace

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