On May 1 I performed my 2nd Facebook Live streaming concert – thank-you to everyone who tuned in. We had viewers from all across Canada and beyond (between 800-900 in total) – it was an excellent \”virtual\” crowd. I want to do a shout out to Span West Construction in Saskatoon SK for sponsoring the show. Also, a lot of people sent paypal or etransfer donations as a sort of \”virtual\” concert ticket payment. I\’d like to THANK each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart. I\’m not able to see the email addresses of anyone who donated so I can\’t send a direct thank-you, but just know that I appreciate it immensely. Also, during the May 1 concert my facebook page crossed the \”10,000 followers\” threshold…so I think I\’m likely soon going to get the Order of Canada or something like that… 🙂 You can check out my Facebook Music page by CLICKING HERE. I\’ll be announcing a follow up streaming concert soon, which will happen again from my Facebook Page. Thanks for following, and for listening. And for staying 6 feet away from others while we do our bit to end the pandemic. js
Pandemic Piano – Thank-you for tuning in