I\’m excited to be back hosting and performing on the big annual Kinsmen/Kinette Telethon out of Saskatchewan: TELEMIRACLE ! If you\’re not familiar with it, it\’s a 20 hr annual television event that raises millions of dollars through generous donations. Companies and individuals step up and simply give what they can, because they can. It\’s just incredible. Funds raised are used by the Kinsmen/Kinette foundation to help people purchase special needs equipment and medical assistance they otherwise couldn\’t afford. And the big picture result is that so many people gain a level of independence they might have once thought not possible. It warms my heart to think of the many lives that this 20 hours of TV can change. Tune in to CTV Saskatchewan starting 9pm Saturday March 4th, right through to 5pm Sunday March 5th and watch this amazing thing happen.
Telemiracle on CTV – March 4 & 5: ring those phones