I wanted to write a BIG heartfelt thanks from me to you!—to everyone who checked out a show over the last 3 months while I toured across Canada & into the USA. Thanks to everyone who ordered a CD, bought some music on iTunes or supported what I do in any way: it means a LOT. My recent shows across the maritimes, into Indianapolis Indiana (photo), and then Alberta and Saskatchewan in Canada have been great and audiences have been so appreciative. I feel so revved up about touring this new album of mine. After a few private shows in Toronto over the next few weeks, I\’ll head out to the West Coast mid-July. Check the calendar on this site to see if I\’ll be performing close to you (Vancouver, Abbotsford, Port Alberni, Parksville, Victoria). cheers! Jeffery
THANK-YOU! for coming to the shows – more coming up in July